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Roles Within Alberta's Health Care Ecosystem

Sept. 10, 2024

Many organizations contribute to Alberta's health care ecosystem and have various roles, responsibilities and interactions with the nursing profession. The government, regulators, employers, the association, the union and registrants all work together to protect Albertans.

Roles and Responsibilities


The government protects the public through legislation. The government is responsible for:

  • Passing bills that impact how regulatory bodies operate
  • Delegating responsibility and holding regulators accountable to legislation, such as the Health Professions Act (HPA)
  • Developing standards of practice, processes and policies in collaboration with regulatory colleges

Regulatory Body

Under the HPA, the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) is responsible for establishing and maintaining:

  • Registration requirements and issuing permits to qualified individuals to allow them to practise in Alberta
  • A nursing education program approval framework
  • Continuing competence requirements to ensure registrants stay current in their practice
  • Standards of practice and a code of ethics to provide guidance for the behaviours and conduct expected from its registrants
  • A complaints management framework to act on complaints concerning its registrants and holding them accountable

The CRNA's Council provides governance and oversight to ensure the CRNA is accountable and fulfilling its duties under the HPA. Learn more about Council.

Employers and Service Providers

Employers protect the public through the delivery of services. Employers are responsible for:

  • Setting hiring practices and identifying candidates that are qualified to fulfill job vacancies 
  • Providing the required training to ensure its employees are equipped for the specific health care environment where they work
  • Supervising employees and reporting issues or events to the relevant regulatory body


Associations work to advance, develop and advocate for the profession of nursing. Associations are responsible for:

  • Advocating to the government and the public on behalf of nurses and the nursing profession
  • Connecting members and providing services, supports and resources to their members


Unions advocate for safe and equitable workplaces for nurses in unionized positions. Unions are responsible for:

  • Helping to resolve workplace issues for nurses
  • Representing nurses in bargaining, in their profession and in disputes with employers and professional licensing bodies


Registrants are individuals who meet the requirements to practise and have an active permit from the CRNA. Registrants are responsible for:


Members of the public play an important role in the health care ecosystem. The public can carry out the following:

  • Filing a complaint against a registrant for unprofessional conduct, which can be defined as a breach of the standards of practice and/or the code of ethics, and conduct that harms the integrity of the profession
  • Confirming an individual's registration and permit status using the Find a Nurse tool

Partners within the health care ecosystem work together to ensure Albertans are provided with safe, competent and ethical care. For more information about the CRNA's role in protecting the public, visit Protect the Public.